Ayushman Bharat

Health insurance is a necessity in today’s world where even minor medical procedures can sometimes result in significant expenses. With the ongoing pandemic, it has become all the more important to ensure that one’s health needs are covered. The Indian government has introduced several health insurance schemes like Ayushman Bharat, which is aimed at providing health cover to the economically weaker sections of society. However, there are various types of health insurance available, and it can often be confusing to choose between Group Health Insurance and Individual Health Insurance.

Group Health Insurance and Individual Health Insurance are two types of policies that serve different needs. In this article, we will delve into the differences between Group and Individual Health Insurance and discuss the pros and cons of each.

What is Group Health Insurance?

Group Health Insurance is a type of insurance policy that covers a group of people, typically employees of a company or members of an organization. The employer or organization purchases this policy for its employees or members, and the premium is borne by the employer or organization.

Group Health Insurance policies may include features like hospitalization cover, outpatient cover, maternity benefits, etc. The policyholder need not undergo a medical examination, and coverage is available from day one. The premium cost of group insurance is generally lower compared to individual insurance, as the risk is spread across a large group of people.

What is Individual Health Insurance?

Individual Health Insurance is a personal policy purchased by an individual to cover his/her health needs. Unlike Group Health Insurance, the policyholder has to pay the premium. The policyholder undergoes a medical examination, and coverage may be subject to medical underwriting.

Individual Health Insurance policies may provide coverage for hospitalization, critical illness, accidents, etc. The coverage and premium cost vary depending on the policyholder’s age, health condition, and medical history, among other factors.

Comparison of Group Health Insurance and Individual Health Insurance

Now that we know the basics of Group Health Insurance and Individual Health Insurance let’s compare both policies based on various factors.

1. Cost of premium

The cost of the premium is a crucial factor that most policyholders consider before purchasing a policy. In Group Health Insurance, the employer or organization bears the premium cost, while in the case of Individual Health Insurance, the policyholder has to pay the premium. Group Health Insurance policies generally have a lower premium cost compared to Individual Health Insurance policies.

However, the fact that the employer or organization is paying the premium for Group Health Insurance does not mean that it is entirely free for the employee or member. Many employers or organizations deduct a certain amount from the employee’s salary as a contribution towards the premium cost. Hence, while Group Health Insurance policies have a lower premium cost, the employee or member may still have to bear a part of the cost.

2. Coverage

The coverage offered by Group Health Insurance and Individual Health Insurance policies can differ significantly. Group Health Insurance typically covers a broad range of medical treatments, including hospitalization, outpatient services, maternity benefits, etc. However, the employer or organization may restrict the coverage to a certain limit.

In contrast, Individual Health Insurance policies can cover a wide range of illnesses, treatments, and medical procedures, subject to the policy s terms and conditions. Individual Health Insurance policies may also offer features like critical illness cover, accident cover, etc. Additionally, policyholders can customize their coverage based on their specific needs.

3. Medical underwriting

In Group Health Insurance policies, the policyholder does not undergo medical underwriting. This means that the policyholder does not have to provide information about their medical history, current health status, etc. However, the same cannot be said for Individual Health Insurance policies.

In Individual Health Insurance policies, the policyholder has to undergo medical underwriting. This means that the insurance provider will review the policyholder’s medical history, including any pre-existing conditions, current health status, etc. The insurance provider may also require the policyholder to undergo a medical examination.

Individuals with pre-existing conditions may find it challenging to get coverage under an Individual Health Insurance policy. In contrast, Group Health Insurance covers pre-existing conditions, provided they are disclosed by the policyholder.

4. Waiting period

The waiting period is the duration between the policy purchase date and when the policyholder can avail of the benefits under the policy. Group Health Insurance policies generally do not have a waiting period, and coverage is available from day one.

In contrast, most Individual Health Insurance policies have a waiting period ranging from 30-90 days, depending on the insurance provider. The waiting period for pre-existing conditions can be as long as 2-4 years.

5. Renewability

Both Group Health Insurance and Individual Health Insurance policies are typically renewable until the policyholder reaches a certain age. However, in Group Health Insurance, the policyholder may lose coverage if he/she leaves the organization or company for any reason. In contrast, Individual Health Insurance policies are portable, and the policyholder can continue the coverage even if he/she switches jobs or leaves the organization.


In conclusion, both Group Health Insurance and Individual Health Insurance policies have their advantages and disadvantages. Group Health Insurance policies are beneficial for employers and organizations who wish to provide health coverage to their employees or members at a lower cost. However, the coverage and benefits may be restricted, and employees or members may have to pay a part of the premium cost.

Individual Health Insurance policies provide comprehensive coverage and customization options, but the premium cost is generally higher. The policyholder has to undergo medical underwriting, and the waiting period can be longer compared to Group Health Insurance.

In summary, when choosing between Group Health Insurance and Individual Health Insurance, one should consider the coverage, cost, medical underwriting, waiting period, and renewability. Ultimately, the choice depends on the policyholder’s specific needs and budget.

Secondary keywords: Ayushman Bharat, health insurance schemes, economically weaker sections, pandemic, coronavirus, coverage, hospitalization cover, outpatient cover, medical underwriting, critical illness cover, accident cover, pre-existing conditions, waiting period, renewability, portable.

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