The John Locke Essay Competition has emerged once again, beckoning young intellectuals from around the globe to showcase their academic prowess and engage with thought-provoking questions that transcend traditional curricula.

Named after the illustrious seventeenth-century philosopher John Locke, the institute remains steadfast in its commitment to fostering independent thought and nurturing academic ambition among students. Through its diverse educational initiatives, the institute empowers students to strive for greatness and embrace intellectual curiosity.

The John Locke Institute Essay Competition serves as a platform for participants to delve into a myriad of captivating questions across various subject categories, including Philosophy, Politics, Economics, History, Psychology, Theology, and Law. From pondering the nuances of moral intuition to contemplating the prospects of peace in conflict-stricken regions, the competition invites participants to engage with complex issues and articulate their ideas with clarity and persuasiveness.

“This competition embodies our commitment to inspiring young minds and encouraging intellectual exploration,” remarked Dr. Jamie Whyte, Chairman of Examiners at the John Locke Institute. “It provides students with a unique opportunity to refine their writing skills, grapple with challenging concepts, and offer fresh perspectives on pressing global issues.”

The 2024 John Locke Essay Competition features an array of captivating questions designed to stimulate critical thinking and foster insightful analysis. Participants are invited to submit their essays, addressing questions that probe the depths of human understanding and the complexities of contemporary society.

Key Dates for the John Locke Institute Essay Competition 2024:

  • Registration opens: April 1, 2024
  • Registration deadline: May 31, 2024
  • Submission deadline: June 30, 2024
  • Late entry deadline: July 10, 2024
  • Notification of short-listed essayists: July 31, 2024
  • Academic conference: September 20 – 22, 2024
  • Awards dinner: September 21, 2024

Aspiring participants are encouraged to register early and submit their essays well in advance of the deadline to avoid any last-minute complications. Late entries will be accepted under certain conditions, with a late entry fee applicable.

For those seeking further information or assistance regarding the essay competition, inquiries can be directed to The institute also offers helpful tips and reminders for participants through its contact list.

The judging process, overseen by a panel of senior academics from leading universities, will evaluate essays based on criteria such as knowledge and understanding of the subject, quality of argumentation, originality, and persuasive force. Prize-winners will have the opportunity to attend an invitation-only academic conference and awards dinner in London, where they will be celebrated for their achievements.

John Locke Essay Competition Winners

In a testament to intellectual prowess and academic dedication, the 2023 John Locke Essay Competition witnessed an exceptional cohort of winners, each demonstrating outstanding insight and critical thinking. Let’s celebrate the remarkable achievements of these bright minds who distinguished themselves in this prestigious competition.

Grand Prize Winner: Hosei Kishida from Shanghai American School, China, emerged as the recipient of the coveted Grand Prize. His exceptional essay showcased a profound understanding of philosophical concepts, earning him well-deserved recognition for his scholarly endeavors.

Junior Prize Winner: Xibei Kuang from Pinehurst School, New Zealand, clinched the Junior Prize with a remarkable display of analytical prowess and original thought. Despite their young age, Xibei’s essay demonstrated a depth of understanding and maturity beyond their years.

Economics Prize: Kit Young Tham from Hwa Chong Institution, Singapore, secured the top spot in the Economics category with a compelling analysis of complex economic principles. Kit’s insightful perspective and meticulous reasoning set them apart as a deserving winner in this highly competitive field.

Philosophy Prize: Hosei Kishida, once again, showcased his intellectual prowess by claiming the Philosophy Prize. His profound exploration of philosophical inquiries captivated the judges, affirming his status as a formidable thinker in the realm of ideas.

Politics Prize: William Zhou from Hunter College High School, USA, emerged victorious in the Politics category with an incisive examination of contemporary political issues. William’s nuanced analysis and articulate arguments impressed the judging panel, earning him the top accolade in this challenging category.

History Prize: Yoo Jin Cho from Presbyterian Ladies’ College, Australia, stood out in the History category with a meticulously researched essay that shed light on historical events with clarity and depth. Yoo Jin’s exceptional grasp of historical narratives distinguished them as a worthy recipient of this prestigious award.

Law Prize: Youran Wu from Nanjing Foreign Language School British Columbia Academy, China, claimed the top spot in the Law category with a compelling exploration of legal principles and their societal implications. Youran’s insightful analysis and persuasive arguments earned them well-deserved recognition in this competitive field.

Theology Prize: Hanyu Li from High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China, China, distinguished themselves in the Theology category with a thought-provoking examination of theological concepts. Hanyu’s insightful reflections and intellectual depth garnered praise from the judging panel, positioning them as a standout scholar in this discipline.

Psychology Prize: Claire Yura Kim from Berkshire School, USA, secured the Psychology Prize with a captivating exploration of psychological phenomena. Claire’s insightful analysis and profound understanding of human behavior showcased their exceptional talent in the field of psychology.

Congratulations to all the winners of the 2023 John Locke Essay Competition for their exemplary achievements and contributions to the world of academia. Your dedication to intellectual inquiry and pursuit of knowledge serves as an inspiration to aspiring scholars around the globe.


1. What is the John Locke Essay Competition about? The John Locke Essay Competition invites students to explore a wide range of challenging questions beyond the confines of the school curriculum, fostering independent thought and critical analysis.

2. Who can participate in the competition? The competition is open to students from any country who are eighteen years old or younger on the submission deadline date. There is also a separate junior category for participants under the age of fifteen.

3. How are essays judged in the competition? Essays are evaluated based on criteria such as knowledge and understanding of the subject, quality of argumentation, originality, and persuasive force. The judging panel consists of senior academics from leading universities.

4. What are the prizes for the competition? Prizes include scholarships towards attending John Locke Institute programs, certificates of achievement, and the prestigious John Locke Institute Junior Fellowship for the overall best essay.

5. When are the deadlines for registration and submission? The registration deadline is May 31, 2024, and the submission deadline is June 30, 2024. Late entries may be accepted with a late entry fee under certain conditions.

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